Seeing the finished image is always a new and magical experience.
How it all works
Like a tintype photo that will last for generations to come our goal when visiting our studio is to create for you a memorable experience that will last a lifetime. We want you to feel you are a part of every step in the process. From the first pour of collodion onto a plate of metal, to your sitting for the exposure to the development and fixing of your portrait, you are witness of and central to the creative process. Seeing the finished image is always a new and magical experience.
Tintype photographs have a very different look when compared to traditional black and white photographs. Because collodion is predominantly sensitive to UV light, it sees colors in a very unique way. Meaning, colors like violets and blues are seen as white, while reds and yellows are seen as black. The clarity and beauty of a tintype image is unmatched to this day!